Learning about China from the Netherlands

Anne-Puck van Ommen | Delegate NAHSS 2021

Hi! My name is Anne-Puck van Ommen and I am a 2021-NAHSS participant. Unfortunately we could not go to China this year, nevertheless I had a fantastic experience! NAHSS attracted me a lot because it would enrich my knowledge about Chinese culture. The preparatory track was very interesting as you could take Chinese language and culture classes, different master classes, and in-house days. Together with my group, I put together a consultancy project for the company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). We analyzed the digital impact on their Chinese and Dutch markets.

Practising Chinese calligraphy.

During the programme a large number of experts spoke about their diverse areas of expertise.

The summer program was focused on the Power of Connectivity and focused on three perspectives: community, technology & trade connectivity. The group was divided among three cities: Leiden, Rotterdam & Eindhoven. I followed the cultural perspective in Leiden where we attended several lectures by various experts. After this week, the group gathered in Soest where we started the second week of the summer programme together. Several experts and companies came here to share their experience with China. This was super interesting as China was approached from different angles. This knowledge was great for my group to apply to our project. Finally, we held the final presentations at PwC headquarters. It was super cool to get a taste of real business life.

NAHSS was a super fun experience because you get to know China in different ways with a multidisciplinary and driven group of students from different universities. I would recommend it to anyone to prepare for the Chinese market this way.